Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The ghost of days we can’t return to...

Hiioryuu and Rikyou

I'm so tired of this, yet part of me wants to see it done too (I want to colour Hiioryuu's hair *sigh*). It's a really old line art that I got stuck on for ages.  Just look at the nearly torn sketchbook. That's proof enough, lol. Have no clue what to put at the background there.

Rikyou looks like a rehash of Maiden. =_= On the other hand, I like drawing Hiioryuu with long hair. This is from way back when - before he met Hirari. I accidentally drew him overly 'manly' here. Oh no.  And I hate the bottom part of his outfit... I probably will have to re-think it again.

Don't know when I'm ever going to finish this.

1 comment:

  1. I hate it when I get stuck with my lineart =_= After working on it hard too~

    Hiioryuu with long hair!! *v* Teach me how to draw attractive guys. hahaha.
